Launching a Campaign
To start with Disco Audiences we recommend brands launch Prospecting Campaigns to optimize for conversions; they are more efficacious than running a 5% Lookalike on existing purchasers, for example. By simply running a 5% Lookalike Campaign on your existing purchases, your scale is limited and your list will become diluted. In leveraging Disco’s Audience, you’re gaining access to a very large list of high-intent net-new customers from leading DTC brands directly shaped by Disco’s unique insights and perspective.
Assets and Creative
We recommend using evergreen ad sets and/or creatives that you typically use so to test the efficacy of our Audience before making any additional optimizations.
Brand campaigns typically work better than UGC (user generated content) campaigns when targeting Disco Audiences because UGC campaigns already reach people that follow your influencers.
Ad Spend
We recommend you spend as close to your daily ad set prospecting volume to gauge performance. We recommend a Daily Ad set Budget of at least 3x-6x your current CPA. When in a Trial period brands should spend at least $150 per day, per ad set to ensure an appropriate amount of data to measure performance regardless of your CPA figure.
To see faster results with paid advertising you can increase spend against Disco Audiences. Disco brands typically spend at least $1,000/day, however, we recommend they follow their typical ad budget closely.
Refreshing Audiences
Disco Audiences do not auto-update, refresh, or expire. If the Audience performance starts to decline, request new Disco Audiences as you see fit. Every day, millions of engagement and purchase data points feed into the Disco Audiences pool, improving the intelligence of the list. As more brands join Disco, the network’s collective growth compounds, as does the intelligence of our products.
We recommend refreshing your audiences every 30-45 days. Every brand is different in this regard so you may find refreshing every three weeks yields better results, or you may find that a timeline closer to 60+ days works well for you. The simplest indicator is performance-based, if an audience's performance wanes it's likely time for a refresh!